Biking through The Town of Whitehall

We are excited to return the neighborhood to the neighbor.

One way we have done this is by designing our streets, parks, homes and shops for the bike! Yes, biking is for everyone! More people than ever before are riding bikes, from kids tooling around the neighborhood, young adults seeking alternatives to car trips, friends and families enjoying shared outings, and retirees whose love of biking is exploding across America. Bike to The Town of Whitehall and bike inside our village. It's a great way to visit, enjoy a beautiful day, and commit to a healthy lifestyle.

your journey Starts Here

The Town of Whitehall and its surrounding area is the picture-perfect backdrop for any bicycling adventure. We've handpicked three of our favorite routes in and around town that are fun, and sure to bring the family closer together. Don't forget to sign up for the Whitehall newsletter to stay in the loop when new routes are highlighted.

Here are your whitehallBike Routes

The Quick Loop From Whitehall & Back

8 Miles - Beginner & Leisure

Discover the beautiful area that surrounds the Town of Whitehall when you bike the Southern Loop and back. Starting from Lorewood Grove Road, enjoy a leisurely 8 mile loop that takes you across Scott's Run and then back to your hometown.

The Ride to Chesapeake City & Back

21 Miles - Intermediate

Enjoy a scenic ride to beautiful Chesapeake City, MD that starts at the Town of Whitehall and runs parallel to the C&D Canal. After stopping in Maryland, you'll loop back on Churchtown Road, passing Summit Airport before arriving home.

The Ride to Lums Pond & Back

23 Miles - Intermediate

Pack a lunch and spend the day with family in Lums Pond State Park. This ride takes St. George's Bridge and back before looping back down Red Lion Road towards Lums Pond. After your picnic, cruise back over St. George's Bridge for dinner at your home in the Town of Whitehall.

prepare fora great ride ahead

Your Safety

'Use your head, wear a helmet!'

Ride on the right, & share the road.

Always be seen & wear reflectors.

For more tips, visit